The Chairman and Trustees of The Monastery of St Francis and Gorton Trust
Request the pleasure of your company at the unveiling of the sculpture
"Spirit of Love"
Gorton Monastery, Gorton Lane, Manchester
on Thursday 30th August 2007 at 4pm Followed by a reception
at the unveiling of the sculpture
Mother Theresa
Designed to stand in front of the magnificent, newly refurbished Gorton Monastery the unveiling of the sculpture The spirit of Love on the 30th of August 2007 is a celebration of great significance.
The original idea for the work came from Mr. Osman Caka, who approached the Monastery in 2004. His family fled to Mancfrester from his native, war-torn Kosovo, after Ilir, his 17 year old son was gunned down by ethnic cleansers. Osman himself could have responded in many different ways to the personal tragedy. He could have tried to seek revenge, he could have turned with hatred towards all Christians, or he could have wallowed in self pity. Instead he chose to try to create something beautiful, an object which says: Love and only love is able to overcome tragedy.
His ovwwhelning wish was to erect a sculpture, somewhere in his new country to the Albanian born Mother Theresa. Mother Theresa, a Christian woman, who was born in a Muslim country and worked chiefly among Hindus - and is revered and respected by all, is a wonderful symbol of religious tolerance.
There are also many parallels with the rising from the ashes of this deconsecrated, abused, vandalised building which was once a much loved church. The 10 year fight of the Monastery team has finally come to fruition. The building will live once more, in a spirit of peace, embracing all who come here, regardless of dfferences of faith, creed or ethnic background. The young artist, who created this work, is Andrew Scantlebury. He has worked with the Trust in a voluntary capacity for the past 5 years. From among the responses to the competition advertised in the Artist's Newsletter the jury unanimously chose his design, an abstract work, based on two hands, held gently upwards.
Plastercsts, taken from Mrs. Caka's hands and the artist's own hands served as the stadwig point fur the composition, making the work a personal statement.
2007 is particularly poignant because it is not only the year when the Manastery finally reopens as the centre of the cummunity; it is also the l0th anniversary of Mother Theresa's death. May the sculpture stand for tolerance and love for all!
We are Very grateful for all the financial help and support we received to make this event possible. Sponsors included:
Mother Theresa, Humanitarian Charitable Swiety of Switzerland (Pjeter Gjoni, President); Exclusafe Ltd, Urmston (Mr & Mrs Moulton); A.R. Stocktons $ Co Ltd (Mr. Stockton]); AMTEC Ltd; Rawwater Ltd, GATE LLC; ACM Instruments; Mrs Moilio Regan; Ms Adetutu Fapohunda and others who wished to remain anonymous.
RSvP by 30 June to:Heather AganThe Monastery of St Francis and Garton TrustThe Angels, Endcott Close, West GortonManchester, M18 88RTel: 0161 223 3211heather.agan@theangelsmanchester.com
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